Here are the top 10 best business deals of 2008. The top one is the Visa Company which over $44 was slightly up in the market. Second is Mars Incorporated; the makers of M&M and snickers that bought The Wrigley’s Company, Juicyfruit and Doublemint gum for $23 billion. The Porsche that made $8.8 billion by buying and selling Volkswagen has come in top three. Its profits are nine times more from selling cars and the company is soaring with more than $1,000 shares. Followed by Richard Rainwater’s Oil Bet wherein Richard bought oil company shares using his billion dollars. Next is Barclays and Nomura which acquired major banking investment operations without having the burden of Lehman Brother’s bad debt. Warren Buffet who chose to share a 10% dividend pay is in the top six. He invested in General electric and Goldman Sachs even though there was nobody who wanted to invest with him. The next on the list is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Gordon Brown who bought the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Halifax Bank in Scotland in October. The merger of Xm and Sirius caused a real blast for the satellite radio and comes in the top eight. Freddie and Fannie Mac invested in the companies’ bondholder and is in the top nine of the list. And lastly, Andrew Lahde, a hedge fund manager had a return of 1000% during the mortgage meltdown.

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